Thursday 8 May 2008


You know that there's something up when the sun is starting to come up at half four in the morning.

One of these such things, comes in the form of a question: 'What the hell am I doing up at this time?' The answer being simply: 'Course work.'

I put it down to user error.

Love Milord

Monday 14 April 2008

Occurences in the night

On Thursday night/Friday morning, I was awoken at somewhere around 2am by a pretty squealy screech outside - I will sleep with the window open. I looked out and a car had just stopped. Shortly following this were a set of flashing blue lights and a large amount of noise.

One police car turned up sharpish and pulled alongside the car. Next news, after a brief chat into a walkie-talkie thingy, another police car shows up.

Another short while later, a police van turned up. It was at this point were I became disappointed, because I discovered that my camera had no batteries, so I couldn't take any pictures =[

But then, to cap off an already exciting wake-up, a third police car arrived! This is certainly something I've never witnessed before, so I was in my element! The driver person was put in cuffs and then into the van and shortly driven off, followed by one of the 3 cars. An extended time later, a breakdown type truck turned up. It already had a car on it. This was taken off and the pulled over car was put on. Not as easy as it sounds, whatever had happened the latter managed to put a hefty white mark on the road - perhaps the tyre had come off - who knows? Then the former was attached to the forks at the back and the whole lot then got bundled off to somewhere.

What a day. Night. Day. Whatever.

Love Milord.

Oh, also, during this time of around about half an hour, 3 Royal Mail lorries went past ^_^

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Hooray, Hooray, It's April Fool's Day!

Yesterday first, today after. So we met in Do-Dahs; Me, Kirsty, Kirsty, Sammy and Shirin and then later on Simon turned up. And from there, no we didn't get the train*, we got the bus up to Accrington to the bowling. I handed my left trainer in and asked the guy if he could spray it for me - he did. We managed to get almost 2 games out of our hour, which is very good. The first game did not start well for me, by the forth go - as in, after 6 balls - I still hadn't hit any and Sammy had about 30 points. By the end of the game I had 90 points and Sammy had 85. My 3 strikes did help me there. The seond game started fairly well really, my form hadn't changed and I was managing to get most of the balls down in one. The Arrogance-meter was up to the red area**. So, what with me getting 3 more strikes I got a blistering 113, while Sammy was somewhere around 80ish. I could have had another strike, but I timed out just before it counted it. Oh well.

After that we spent a lot of time and money in the arcade area. About 3 quid on the slots, 2 on the air hockey - which Kirsty will delight in telling people she beat me both times - and best part of £3 on the grabber machine. Slightly dejected we went to the Golden Arches to play Monopoly. I had a free Big Mac and bought the smallest drink ever. I should have realised when it cost me 89p.

The following hours were mainly uneventful; we got the bus to our respective destinations - I stopped off at Kirsty's to get some stuff for me cousins and a dark chocolate Easter egg, which is now gone - and then went on my way once more. I did some work when I got home, and then in'th'evening we watched The Incredibles, which is just awesome ^.^

Today wasn't very successful. For a start I finally woke and got up at 12:47, so I missed any jokes set on me.

Getting up so late also meant that most of the day had disappeared before I'd even said hello to it. I basically had dinner, went on the computer: facebook, as one does. On the Dragons app. I apparently had 15 attacks, from two creatures, I rang Simon because one of them was using 14 of those 15 - well, not because of this but I thought that perhaps it was a virus, what with some of the stats it had. He texted me later on saying that it was most likely an April Fools, we'd both completely forgotten about that. So it now seems silly that I thought it might be a virus.

And then I stuck some music on a did some work. And that's it.

When the parents got in we had tea and I almost never do. It wasn't too bad either; Man Utd won 2-0 and none of the fans got seats inconveniently rammed through their faces.

Then most recently I watched some cool adverts*** on youtube and a thing to do with HL2 that baffled me immensely but which was fairly cool all the same.

Busy day.

Love Milord.

*Don't worry, I just had a brief conversation with the part of my brain that thinks of ridiculous things, like the getting a train instead of a bus, in a similar way to if I had put we'll get a boat to Swizerland.

**For one day I was almost as arrogant as Simon.

***Including Guinness Hands and Guinness Dominoes, Smirnoff Triple Distilled and the new Honda ad.

Sunday 30 March 2008

It [Time] Is Made Out Of Circles

The weekend seems to have gone pretty quickly, though this may been down to getting up at half 10ish. This is through no fault of my own, I put it down to BST* mucking around with things; I technically got up at body-clock 9:30. So so far I've had breakfast and done a hard Sudoku and started on some work.

I'm doing this now because the parents have gone out with the family for a walk around the resi in Whitworth and they may think that I'm slacking; it's procrastination, not slacking. I'm not writing what seems to be my life story today though, so that's good. I doubt I'll have time/remember to do it tonight though, so that's another reason to do it now.

Kirsty is coming over later - wih Firefly - and the parents are going out to see Gogol Bordello. They aren't really that great imo, so I'm not going. If Vicki ever reads this she may just kill me. Oh well.

And that's about it for today - can't think that anything else might happen that I can write about. I'm off out to meet people tomorrow to go bowling, so that'll be commentable.

Bye 'till then.

Love, Milord.

*This is in no way related to the cow disease.

Friday 28 March 2008

Seldom Heard in Spring

I seem to have been even more lax over the past 4 weeks or so with my blogging, I'm really not doing very well. I think I've had only 1 post in the whole month and gig season is nearly here already. Ah well, I shall start then. Oh, as an aside, anything I miss now will be added in April when I'm back at uni.

I finished for Easter on the 14th, a Friday, and that afternoon/evening went home to have a shower - that part didn't happen. Me and the parents and Kirsty were going down to London that weekend, but via Newark, nearish to Lincoln*1, where my Aunt and Uncle live. Two reasons for going via here, i.e. stopping over there on Friday night, was because the train is much cheaper from there, and to see the new arrival, this being my new cousin - I have 4 now, the second of this half of the family. As I kept saying "It" is called Erin, therefore a 'she' and much the same as any newly born pink squishy thing.

So the next morning at 6 am*2 I rose, got dressed, ate and shortly after, left. Upon reaching the station and waiting for our passage, we alighted onto what is possibly the worlds dingiest train; horrible and yellow and brown, like something out of the 70s. So we endured that for a thankfully short hour and a half - passing the Emirates Stadium (Arsenal FC) and arrived at King's Cross in London. Here mum and Kirsty got very excited about that prospect of seeing Platform 9 3/4 but alas we never looked hard enough and left the station. Heralding an already waiting cab, we spent about £7 getting to the British Museum. This was the first stop of the day because an exhibition was nearing the end of its 6 month stay, and we wanted to see it. Sadly, due to it being the Terracotta Warriors*3 it was excessively popular, even after so long. Apparently to have a chance of getting tickets - 500 that are issued on the day - you'd have to be there at 8 am, we got there at just after 9. There was a very big queue when we got inside, quite probably 300 people in front of us. We grew despondent when a representative broke the news to us that there was no chance we were getting tickets because people had been queueing since 5 am*2. So we left somewhat dejectedly.

From the museum we walked down to Covent Garden, past Forbidden Planet. London, it seems, doesn't open very early, as the stalls were still setting up at half nine and the shops weren't even open/ing. Much browsing led me to the only decent stall in the whole Market; the precious stones and fossils stall ^_^ So I spent the best part of an hour here*4, talking to the very hairy proprietor; talking at length about various stones but mainly about his large collection of fossils, trilobites, teeth, ammonites, fish prints, etc, etc. He somehow had a piece of Mars rock about 1mm2 and similar size moon rock - the Mars rock was priced at around $950 - and he had two T-rex teeth fetching £350 each.*5 I came away from there with a nice little rock with two trilobites - unnamed as yet other than their Latin names that are too long for casual conversation - costing me £15. Kirsty got an ammonite and a trilobite shedding and a shark tooth thrown in for free.

After a brief trek across the city - no cheating using the underground - through Chinatown, Leicester Square and up Regent Street we came upon Carnaby Street, which is apparently a very famous shopping street. So we were around here for about an hour, possibly more. I wasn't too excited as you can probably tell because I haven't written much. We went in some shops. Well, quite a few actually. Anyway...

...finding somewhere to eat was, in general, easy. It all depends how willing you are to pay a lot. We found a posh café whose name escapes me; I had a Strawberry Cheesecake which was pretty fine, Kirsty had a chocolate cake of some form, Mum had a something and Dad had a Croque Monsieur. This coupled with two coffees and two other drinks - could be cokes - came to approximately £38. This is a scary number. There were big Easter eggs in the window that you could quite easily get a small child in costing between 15 and 45 quid. Also a scary number.

I've just been told that we went to the café before Carnaby Street. Oh well. Let's persevere. Heading back down towards Trafalgar Square to the National Gallery we heard much noise. Turns out there was a big political rally against the various wars we're involved in. That was mildly entertaining for a while. When we got bored, and after having some munchies because we were hungry again, we all went off to the National Gallery. This sounds easier than it is as it is very, very big. Spanning about 7 or 8 centuries of art in somewhere in the region of 70 rooms you may start to get the picture. My parents dragged me to see some painting that they thought were interesting. They weren't. My mum was waiting for a friend to meet her, so we waited. Finally the friend arrived and we set off again. A short while later, me and Kirsty were bored so went off to see what we wanted to. I saw some Rembrandt, Monet, Renoir, Seurat - who I'm not too keen on - Velázquez, Turner, One-Ear and Cezanne. So rather a lot really. My favourite painting was by none of these; called, for short, "The Meagre Company".

Half an hour later we met up again and left, to the relief of many. Heading down Pall Mall we turned off onto Piccadilly and beheld the biggest Waterstones ever; 5 or 6 floors of non-stop books*6 Heading off once more, the five of us went into Fortnum and Mason - again a big name - where upon me and Kirsty immediately left and went back to a Japanese shop that sold everything I could possibly want, books, cookbooks, cooking things, small bits of food and numerous other things. I came away with a rice bowl - though technically it could be used for anything not just rice - and Kirsty got a children's guide to Japanese, and a couple of bowls. The two of us then met up with the older people in an average noodlebar, that was distinctly average.

After a distinctly average tub of noodles we went on to the Royal Academy to the "From Russia" exhibition. This featured such people as Monet and Matisse. Okay, so these aren't exactly Russian artists, but they painted things for Russian people, and it was apparently the first time that they had ever come out of the country. That was pretty cool.

By now it was about 7 pm and we were getting the train about half past. So we flagged a cab and prayed that he could get us to the station in rush hour London in fifteen minutes. He did, with time to spare, so Dad paid him generously and we made the train. This one was much better condition than the first one although we weren't sitting together as a group. I decided that sleeping was a good idea, so I did. Thus time passed quickly for me.

Upon getting back to Newark station, we got back in the car and drove back to my Aunt and Uncles'. Not bad for a day out.

Skipping some of the more mundane things we got back on the Sunday night ad drove Kirsty home.

Monday arrived and I got up late. After a swift breakfast and getting dressed I bussed it down to Manchester to pick up my things from uni. Since I had a little time, I met up with Simon for a short while. This short while turned out to be a bad idea, as I missed one of my buses home, oh well. I eventually made it home with some clothing, big folder of art stuffs and my usual backpack. The next day I spent doing uni work. The evening of both days me and the parents watched a film of two and played Boggle. As you do.

On the Wednesday morning I left home early and got on a bus to Accrington. From here I got a train to Lancaster, via Preston. That was virtually uneventful. Kirsty met me at the station and we wandered around town for a while. In the market I was mistaken for a girl - again - at a stall selling admittedly girly things such as tights and leg-warmers. I got some fluorescent green leg-warmers. Yay. We went back to the uni briefly and then got the bus back into town to the cinema. We saw '10,000 BC'. It was decidedly average; it was a nice film, but the makers had put 'cave-men' and woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed cats together with aboriginals that would be found in Africa and Egyptians with their pyramids. The journey in the film managed to go from snow-covered mountains through jungles and a desert in what would be about 2 days walking. Sounds ridiculous, I know.

So it finished and we got the bus back up to the uni for foods and then went up to Kirsty's friend's friends' flat to meet them before we all went out to the Carleton in Morecambe for an Easter night out*7. It wasn't too bad although I thought the music was a little bit toss. Still, everyone else had a good time.

Thursday came and we woke up - we had gone to bed on the morning of this day, but that's not important - Kirsty had to go to a lecture of some form. I did some work and then some Timesplitters and then some typically internet based things, such as Invaders 2002 and other Facebook stuff. Kirsty came back for a bit, then went out again. Then came back and we had dinner. The she went out get the picture, and I did work and procrastination all day. Finally after much backwards and forwardsing, Kirsty stayed in and we had tea. Then later on we watched Firefly! Hurrah! And then slept.

On Friday we eventually woke - can't remember if there was a lecture involved or not. But anyway, we spent a lot of time tidying the room and getting things out that would be going home for a month. Some of the things baffled me but they had to be taken. Many things were thrown out and the food cupboard was tidied. Her dad arrived at 5, by which time we were nearly done. We were still nearly done at half past and finally left at 6. I was taken straight home and then enjoyed a probably decent night in.

With the coming of the weekend came the inevitable meeting people. On Saturday many of us met at the Old House, inc. - ah screw it I can't be bothered to list who this included - but there were many people from BRGS, and even many from Hassy as well that I didn't expect. In all it was a generally good night, what with pool played and music eventually played and Chinese eaten, can't complain.

On Sunday evening, the four of us went out to my grandparents in Tod for tea. It was pretty damn fine and Kirsty had more food than I could have thought possible. Therefore, it was good ^.^ We came home at half ten, leaving a surprisingly decent film behind - The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency - it was amusing.

Oh, that's a point; it was Easter weekend. A strange one at that seeing as we had snow - about 3 inches of the stuff. I also got 2 eggs and a 2 Thornton bunnies, and then a third, complementary egg off Kirsty because it was dark chocolate. The first egg of Kirsty was a Creme Egg one with a mug big enough to swim in, I got her the same because that's the one she wanted =]

The new week brought not a great deal. Monday was generally uneventful, but then on Tuesday, oh dear. This day Simon and Laura and then Kirsty arrived at my house, to sort out a trip to France. After a lot of faffing around, giving up, looking at maps, ringing people for contacts and lifts, giving up, watching tele and anime, we finally got it done. This only happened because my parents were in to help, but we finally got flights booked in my name. This means that I paid for the flights. I hate to say it, but at a cost of almost £420. Still, we felt accomplished.

The next day, I went into town to do something I have not done for a long time. I went to get my hair cut. And it must be said that for £7.30 I could have done better myself. Oh well, it was cut, I spent money. Result.
In the middle, I spent more money by going to meet people in Rawtenstall, at Do-Dahs*8 for dinner. There was me, Kirsty, Jono, Shona, Sammy, Jess, Shirin and Jacki. I managed to spend £8.50 on not a lot, but me and Jono shared a meat platter and a cheese platter. There was some very strong Stilton on there. I got a lift home afterwards off the very kind Mr Gledhill, with Jono, Jess and Shona. In the evening, we went over to my Grandma's where my family from Canada would be coming for a month-ish. It wasn't as big a disaster as we all thought it would be, what with my younger cousin being 3 it could have been hell. So we did talking and eating and it was successful.

On Thursday I didn't go out to Do-Dah's with my friends - as previously thought - I did course work. So that is a whole lot more interesting than the original entry. I would rather have kept the inaccurate version to be honest.

On Friday, which was yesterday, Kirsty came over at 2 and we watched a bit of TV and procrastinated on the internet and she gave me, and I quote "a tacky present" and it was suitably tacky. She left at half 5 and on the way back home Dad picked me up on the main road. After tea we started to watch Gojoe, a Japanese film about something to do with a demon/spirit that kept killing people. We got through 42 minutes before giving into boredom, and so put the Mask on instead and it was still hilarious, so that made up for the crap film.

And finally today, my rellies came up at 12ish and we've been talking, watching children's TV, eating pizza for dinner - which was very nice - and have currently just finished playing Rummikub and tea is being made; mum is playing Battleships with Rachel - my elder cousin - and I'm still here, after five and a half hours on and off writing. I dearly hope you've enjoyed this monstrous recollection.

As I always say, I'll try to keep up to date and fairly regular with all upcoming entries.

This will probably not happen.

Love, Milord.

*1The epicentre of that earthquake.

*2This, if you're unused to such terminology, happens somewhere between getting in from a night out and waking up hastily to get to a lecture.

*3Not all of them of course.

*4I realise many will think I'm sad. I'm not saying they're wrong, but I had to spend an hour doing something.

*5He also told me the best places to find fossils and such. For ammonites the closest place is Whitby. He'd recently been to Mauritania where there is apparently a lot of dinosaur material. And for an illegal-to-sell-what-you-find place go to Lyme Regis, where it is impossible to not find something - or so he said.

*6By comparison the Manchester Deansgate store has only 3 or 4 floors, and that's big enough.

*7We were apparently supposed to go as bunny rabbits. We were going as fluorescent bunny rabbits. I just went as a fluorescent me.

*8A very un-student friendly place, what with the silly prices.

Word Count c 2700

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Marching On...

Here we find the month of the Mothering Sunday. Woot.

Saturday came, thus heralding Mother's Day on Sunday. So me and Kirsty went into town and spent money. I got my mum a mug that proclaimed "I'd rather be buying shoes." And I accidentally bought the Resident Evil Trilogy. Oops.

On the evening of Saturday, Simon asked if I wanted to go to ASDA - since the cleaner at his place had thrown away some of his pans, for presently unknown reasons - so I obliged him. In the later evening I waited for Natty and Becky to arrive, as they were coming down to Jilly's that night. Little did I know that they were the only people to be coming. They spent a bit of time at mine before we went and Becky divulged that she would do a certain thing to Milla Jovovich, which was pretty amusing. She later said that she'd do the same thing to Kate Beckinsale. It was pretty good, although the ratio of good music to bad was a little one-sided. Still, it was helpful that Becky had some age-old tickets that got us in for free. Afterwards they stopped over at mine since they wouldn't be able to get back home at half two itm.

So then on Sunday I went home around dinner time (lunch) after Becky and Natty went home. I had a shower. Oh my god! The shower at home is PFA! Actual water and just nice ^.^ Then for tea the distinguished folk arrived. It was good to see them once again. And tea was good, proper pork and roasties along with some other munchables. That was damn fine also. I slept in my own bed! I want it at uni.

But anyway, on Monday I got the bus back into town at 8:00, got back to mine and got straight to work on my essays. These I really didn't like but got them done nonetheless, handed them in, then later allowed myself the satisfaction of watching Residental Evil: Extinction. The last and largest essay was an absolute arse-pain and very difficult - just like my course tutor had stated last week - but I did my best. I did that today.

When I got in I rewarded myself with a bit of internet browsing, then settled down again and did some project work. I then ate my tea - cow, pig and cous cous - which wasn't too bad. I added a little bit of lemon juice to the whole thing which didn't do any harm. After that, I indulged in some TF2* with Iain, but for some reason it kept lagging, so sadly to say, it sucked a bit really. And then Kirsty rang me, and that is where I currently am.

Goodnight all.

Love Milord.

*Team Fortress 2

Friday 29 February 2008

Leaping Forward

It is a leap year!

Ok, so it's more than that. I wrote that so that I could tax the day. So I have the last post of February and a Leap Year Day rolled into one!

Starting off again from where I left off, on the Friday I went to the cinema to see Rambo; it was me, Iain, Scott, Simon, Hilmy and Mark. True to form and expectations it was amusing. Completely unrealistic, what with people getting cut in half by bullets and such-like.
Oh and in the morning I had a driving lesson, but that was uninteresting.

The weekend cometh! On Saturday, me and Vicki went to a sci-fi convention that in all truth sucked monkeys, although I did hug Darth Vader. Then afterwards I met up with the parents for dinner - we went to the Earth Café, a veggie place - this was ok, but I noticed that there was a distinct lack of cow. I was disappointed. We then parted for what reason I have no idea. Probably to do work.

Then the only interesting thing on Sunday was the quiz.

Moving swiftly onwards to Wednesday and I had a surprise lecture that was actually pretty interesting. And I went to Greggs and bought the usual. It was good.

Oo, then on Thursday I met up with Vicki to go to the Chinese. There was actually a reason for going; Polly and Amy - two girls on Vicki's course - are moving back in with us next year, so we were going out to celebrate this. Only problem was, was that they didn't turn up because apparently they don't like our Chinese. I was most upset. So it was just the two of us.

I was supposed to have a driving lesson on Friday, but Tony's car managed to break down just as I got on the bus. So I didn't have a driving lesson. Kirsty came down later on. I did my washing.

Well, that's the last of Feb done and the last 29th of Feb for another four years.

Love Milord.